以下、インタビューを抜粋します。 (キャータンのインタビュー) kjartan: the yamaha cp80 piano, the Yamaha SK20 and the hammond are my essential keyboards now. but we"re always adding stuff, with samplers too. the SK20 used to be my main keyboard, just using the organ on that, not the synth. my grandmother bought it for my brother around 1983/84, and that used to be the only keyboard i had. but it wasn"t used at all on the new album, for the first time, because i was trying to develop the piano. the yamaha cp80 piano was made in the 70s for touring, but now people don"t like to tour with it."
サイズ:1,000 (W) x 406 (D) x 158 (H) mm位 重さ:15kg〜20キロ
kjartan: the yamaha cp80 piano, the Yamaha SK20 and the hammond are my essential keyboards now. but we"re always adding stuff, with samplers too. the SK20 used to be my main keyboard, just using the organ on that, not the synth. my grandmother bought it for my brother around 1983/84, and that used to be the only keyboard i had. but it wasn"t used at all on the new album, for the first time, because i was trying to develop the piano. the yamaha cp80 piano was made in
the 70s for touring, but now people don"t like to tour with it."
ヤマハ アナログシンセサイザーオルガン SK20 レスリー対応 YAMAHA キーボードRolandローランドKorgコルグHammondハモンド電子ピアノ
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ヴィンテージ YAMAHA SK20 キーボード Sigur 小売 ros 使用機材
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Yamaha SK20
ヴィンテージ YAMAHA 注文 SK20 キーボード Sigur ros 使用機材
Yamaha SK20 — Sigur Rós Organ, String Machine & Synthesizer
YAMAHA MODX7+【76鍵盤】【MONTAGE直系・軽量シンセ】※配送事項要ご確認 |イケベ楽器店オンラインストア
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Yamaha SK20 > Keyboards | Rock n Roll Vintage Guitars